Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Spring is Just Around the Corner...

Just wanted to send you some Spring Cheer today from the Grandiflora Girls!
Some new
"Happy Prints of Everyday Miracles"
are now in the store
by one of the original
Grandiflora Girls Herself
Trisha Brink
These prints vary in size from cards to 8x10's.
Trisha has given Grandiflora Customers a deep discount from her online site
 (approx. 40% off pricing!) if you're local...
then shop local,
 and SAVE!
These prints are great for perking up a dull room...
 and at these inexpensive prices, you can't go wrong!
Breathe a breath of fresh air into your home decor with a high quality print
Trisha Brink Design.
Come and see all the prints in person,
there are many more to choose from in stock.
Photos that capture the quality of Grandiflora Style,
 by a Grandiflora Girl,
 for Grandiflora Customers like you.
Hope you are having a great March, and be looking for many new things in the store this week in preperation for the
Craft and Antique show weekend
coming soon....
(more to follow)

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