Friday, 18 June 2010

Farm Chick Road Trip Part 2

Let me just say this, I've never been to a show quite like this! Don't get me wrong...we've attended the Farm Chicks show before...but there is just something about this "SWEET" little show that just has heart and soul!
The wild and funky displays are just so fun to sit and stare at! I mean...who thinks of creating a huge cake out of old junk? I was pretty impressed with that; it just made me released my inner creativity. I know that sounds hokey...but it made me look at all the junk in a new way. If this was a sneaky sales tactic, it worked! I was gathering junk all day (and the next!) thinking of what I could come up with for store displays and home decor alike!

Well, next time I'll bring a bigger truck like this one; for now the Suburban with third seat removed would have to do!

Jan, Kim, and La Von and I were thrilled that the weather was fantastic for standing in this line:

I have to tell you that the admission price of $7.00 for one day and $10.00 for two days was TOTALLY WORTH IT!!! The line wasn't that bad either as we were surrounded by creative friends from around the Pacific Northwest. Everyone was laughing and excited. We saw a ton of folks from Lynden, and said next year we should start a caravan!!! :o)
I'll keep updating with more pictures soon....I think you'll LOVE seeing what the booths looked like, the great antiques and craft name it, they had it!
See you soon!
Cheers, and happy weekend!
Trish ;o)

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