Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Positivity...We Could Each Use A Little Help Sometimes

Hello Everyone!
How has your January been passing by?
Fast? Slow? D r a g g i n g ?
Hopefully it's been ok, but we know that this time of the year
is a struggle for many folks.
We want to be a place where you can come and get a little
respite from the dreary world.
Grandiflora Home and Garden
we think each day needs to have a little bit of visual joy in it.
We are not advocates of over-spending, hoarding or credit card disasters.
We are more of the thought that once in awhile a woman needs a little
inexpensive "treat" to brighten her life.
A new scarf, a bar of lovely scented soap or a fresh new piece of wall decor
can go
A  L O N G  W A Y....
Here's to little treats.
To a mental retreat from dreary day to day life here in the less than sunny Pacific Northwest...
a positive attitude.
We can all use a little help once in awhile can't we?
Let us help you with that.
The Grandiflora Girls
All scarves, purses & jewelry are 30%* off now until Saturday February 2nd!
We make it pretty easy for you to find a little inexpensive joy right here in the shop.
*excludes previous purchases & consignments.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Moments at Market: We Had Fun BUT Worked Hard

Middle photo: Me (Trisha/Main Buyer/Partner) La Von (My Sister/Head Visual Display/Partner) & Kim (Our Floor Manager & Annie Sloan Instructor) in a Seahawks moment at market. They were playing only a few blocks away. We got razzed when they lost :(
Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to pop in here to show you what we've been up to at
Atlanta Market.
Let me fill you in on what Atlanta Market is:
1. HUGE! 3 buildings roughly 50-60 floors combined.
2. OVERWHELMING! Each floor has either multiple large showrooms or numerous booths.
3. OVERSTIMULATING! Each showroom decks itself out with a huge amount of product.
4. EXHAUSTING! You are on your feet for 12 hours at least 3 of the 7 days without sitting down,
& on them for 9 hours the other 4....no sitting!
5. CONFUSING! Are you in building 1 floor 3 or building 2 floor 3 or building 3 floor 1???
6. CALENDAR INAPPROPRIATE! Isn't Christmas over? Yes... 2012's Christmas is....
but everywhere you are ordering for Christmas 2013!!
7. POCKET BOOK SHOCKING! Always make sure you have wandered into the
moderately priced showrooms...Bill Gates does not shop at Grandiflora.
(At least we don't think so anyway ;)
Last but not least....
We enjoyed all the lovely displays we saw at market
(SOOOOO many more than what you see here,
as we were not allowed to take photos of certain showrooms....and didn't want to spoil
our buying surprises for you anyway!)
It is hard to walk away from market uninspired.
We came away from this market with SOOOOO many ideas
it is making my head spin to think about making them all happen!
The best part is....we are on fire for Grandiflora this year....
we are going to light a fire under ourselves and our customers this year.
It's time to celebrate this awesome shop we've all come to love and appreciate.
May Grandiflora see it's best year yet!
Not really talking financially....although that would be nice....
wink, wink.
I'm talking about finding the niche that we were all meant to find in
wouldn't that be nice!
We were flitting from booth to booth, showroom to showroom finding all sorts of great things with the power of caffeine! We were also really excited to meet Jo Packham of Where Women Create & Where Women Cook where she was signing books and magazines. What a great lady....and what an honor!
Well, it was a trip to remember & a trip to inspire.
As I said before we are on fire for what comes next....
Be visiting often for all the lovely items that will start arriving in a few weeks all the way through the end of the year.
It takes 7 days (72 hours of straight ordering) just to hit the tip of the iceberg in ordering.
I can honestly say this:
You know what that equals?
Happy US + Happy YOU!
Here's to Grandiflora & the fun she brings us all!
La Von, Kim & I

Friday, 18 January 2013

Gatherings Magazine Free to View Online NOW!

Hello Everyone!
We know how much you enjoy shopping at
so we figure you like the same sorts of things as we do right?
if you are cozy-ing up this weekend with your
computer or notepad etc....
then you will most deffinately want to
cozy up to the newest
issue of
This issue is called
the White Issue for obvious reasons.
Feel refreshed and renewed by the lovely pages put together for you
by so many of today's talented crafters, designers & writers online.
We hope you'll enjoy
Gatherings just as much as we do!
Cheers & happy weekend friends!

Mandarin Coriander a Refreshing Burst of Citrus

Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to stop in and say hi after a very very busy few weeks!
We've been working hard to clean the shop after the Christmas rush and Inventory.
We are happy to say that the shop is sparkly and shiny clean and ready for your visit!
One of the products that came to mind when the cleaning was being done was our
wonderful Thymes products...
most importantly
Mandarin Coriander!!!
If you've not tried this wonderful product,
well let us just say this:
Why don't you come in and try a little sample of this
sweet tart home cleaning product....
we think you'll understand why we like it so much.
Not only does it smell delicious,
it lasts for such a longer time than that grocery store stuff
it cleans better too!
If you've got something greasy or dingy....
your chance to clean and refresh all in one product!