L. to R. La Von (partner/visual manager) Kim (floor manager/Chalk Paint instructor) Renate (clerk) Trisha ( partner/main buyer) Colleen (visual display) Janice (bookkeeper/office manager). Not pictured: Amber (clerk) & Abby (clerk). |
Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to stop in and say how much fun we had with all
you our wonderful shoppers at the other night's
Mother's Day SALE
Ice Cream Social Book Signing!
The Grandiflora Girls were in full Soda Jerk attire
for the evening ready to serve up the
Grandiflora goodness that you
just can't find anywhere.
(Don't they look so cute?!)
We are so thankful that our employees
are always so willing to play along with
our hair brained costume ideas for
our fun evening events!!
The night was gorgeous!!
Perfect to be
late for an ice cream social!
We dolled the place up with adorable polka dot balloons too!
If you didn't know....
Where Women Cook Magazine
recently released a wonderful book entitled
"Everything Goes With Ice Cream"
We happen to sell this book title at our shop
Grandiflora....and on top of that,
one of our owners
to contributed to the book as well!
Trisha & Koralee
just happen to be blogger buddies & chat often via the internet.
We thought how nice it would be to have
Koralee come and sign her sweet book for not only
our employees...but our shoppers as well!
Author; Koralee Tiechroeb |
Koralee was more than obliging to do so.
We are so excited that she was too!
Shoppers were greeted with tickets good to win
door prizes & 30% off coupons to the shop!
Did I mention the whole store was 10% off as well?!
Whoo hoo!
On top of all that,
we served fresh ice cream from the wonderful local dairy
There were yummy toppings....
.... including glorious cherries on top to boot!
Oh my stars...my mouth is watering all over again!
So much work went on behind the scenes by our
wonderful employees and family to make this
little dream a reality.
Did I mention you could win more prizes by coming dressed up as your favorite
color of ice cream?
(eg: strawberry = pink, bubblegum = blue, etc...)
But we reserved gift certificates for our 3 top costume contestants.
Elise & Brenda for these adorable
ice cream cone costumes!
Thanks so much ladies for making our night!!!
We LOVE when people get into the spirit of things!!!
For heaven's sake; life's too short not to.
here's our cutie pie runner up contestant:
Congratulations to you too Cory!
A happy winner indeed!
(Stay tuned ladies, we will be contacting you with gift certificate details soon!)
Colleen drawing door prize tickets. |
Many happy folks were blessed by door prizes provided to us
by the Thymes Company.
Rich lotions, candles & other body care products walked out
with very happy customers.
Our sweet girls behind the counter just kept everything flowing soooooo smoothly.....
Kim & Renate....the ladies who made it all run so smoothly for our customers. |
...we are so thankful for our wonderful employees and customers alike!
Upstairs we were serving
Strawberry Lemonade.
Customers were able to leisurely wander around and shop
with their 30% off coupons and 10% storewide discount.
We were blessed to meet another one of Koralee's friends:
Authors & Contributors to Everything Goes With Ice Cream; Koralee, Trisha & Carol. |
Carol was also a local contributor to Koralee's book!
( She did the ice cream snowballs)
Trisha was able to catch up with Koralee in between signings.
Partner, buyer & contributor Trisha Brink enjoying a good chat with friend & Author Koralee Tiechroeb. |
It was a great night all around!
If you were unfortunate enough to have missed it....
make sure you head into the shop and snatch up a copy of the book for yourself!
We look forward to serving you with all the new goodies in the shop that
keep arriving everyday!
Cheers to all of you who came, and hope to see you again soon.
Thanks to our employees for a wonderful job again;
we appreciate you!
(Also, a special note of thanks to Emily Visser for the wonderful job with photography! Emily it was a real pleasure for Trisha to be out from behind the lens and enjoy signing books with Koralee!)
most importantly....
a HUGE AMOUNT OF THANKS goes to the lovely
for spending time with us at Grandiflora!!!
We wish you all the best
maybe even more books to come!?
Trisha Brink (partner/main buyer/contributor) Koralee Tiechroeb (Author) & La Von Vander Werff (partner/visual manager) all enjoying a fun moment before the festivities of the night began. |