Hello all you lovely blog readers!
Just thought I'd drop in here to give you a bit of inspiration for living with white!
This is very fitting, as right now in our hometown of
Lynden, Washington USA...
we are surrounded by white
I am feeling warm and cozy at the moment with the heat on full blast drinking a cuppa hot cocoa & paging through
this amazing
by none other than my lovely online friend
I highly suggest you head on over to check out the sweet vignettes and displays you'll find paging through the
White Issue of Gatherings Magazine.
Make sure while you're there you check out the wonderful past issues that
Heather has worked on.
We just love Gatherings here at Grandiflora...
and we think you will too!
Cheers my friends!
P.S. we are operating on limited daytime hours due to the blizzard...but we havn't missed a day yet!
Just call ahead for details if you are wondering about our limited hours of operation.
Ring: 360.318.8854