Monday, 25 July 2011

The UPS Guy Commeth...& Commeth Some MORE!!! yeah....just a little bit of work cut out for us!
69 boxes in one day with some already arrived previously...and MANY, MANY MORE to come!
Working feverishly to get it priced and out....until then, come in and save 40%-75% off in the store and out in our clearance sale tent.
We're still making room for all the new items!
Hope to see you in soon.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Sometimes the Basics are Best

 Have you ever noticed how sometimes the basics are best?
 We think you can always dress up a good basic with some fun color or even sparkle!
 Well, as Grandiflora is still going through its awesome 40%-75% off Summer Clearance Sale...
 We are also buying up all sorts of goodies & basics to fill the shop right up again for the coming seasonal change!!!
( We know, we know...have we even had a Summer yet??? Hmmmm....)
One can't deny however....August is already back to School month, & from there it's Fall.
 So, while you are trying to capture every summer moment you can in the few sun spots we have.
We at Grandiflora are scrambling to open the huge amounts of boxes arriving every day.

Maybe you should think about stopping in on your way to or from the beach to pick up some great decor at some fabulous reduced
40%-75% off


( We just wanted to remind all of you who have been a little bit worried about the store lately-because stock has seemed a little low- that we are always reducing our inventory in both January & July which follows our two most productive seasons of the year...Holiday & Mothers Day. You have no need to worry, we aren't going anywhere. If anything, you should stay tuned for more ways in which Grandiflora will be expanding & be  able to serve you better! )
When you are ready to face the reality of can come back in August to enjoy all the new product coming in daily.
Either way, we hope to see you in the shop soon!
The Grandiflora Girls

Friday, 8 July 2011

They Call it Mellow Yellow...But We Call It: GET ON IN HERE NOW, YELLOW!

Yellow, a bright & easy to see color.

It signifies so many things:
A Happy Celebratory Color....a color noticed by it's bright hue!
A color we here at Grandiflora use to signify a

We are seeing many shades of yellow tags all throughout the store right now,

grab your shades,

jump in the biggest vehicle you can find & follow the
proverbial Yellow Brick Road to

to get first dibs on all the best summer items we've marked with yellow tags to be
 discounted 40% off at the register!
(all yellow tagged items are final sales)

We realize this message is a bit corny....

we hope it makes you smile.
After all,
 saving 40% off items at Grandiflora should always plaster a super duper smile on your face!
Hope to see you soon!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

WOW, What a Sale!!!

We're exhausted!
Just wanted to say a huge thank-you to all you lovely customers who came in during our 30% off Storewide Sale!
( Stay tuned for more great sale news to come....)
we are working on getting things cleaned up around the shop for you to browse some fresh displays with the new merchandise that is trickling in. Please pardon our messes this July as we rework the store for all that Autumn will be bringing to Grandiflora.
Many changes will be happening throughout this summer stretch in preperation for some fun new ways in which we can serve you better!