Saturday, 30 May 2009

We're having a sale................

Just wanted to show off a few of the pots I got at Grandiflora. The best part is, right now, all our "Frost-Proof" pots are 20% off!! If you had pots that didn't survive the winter, and you need to replace them, come check out these great pots.

Of course you remember, I LOVE RED! So, here are 3 of the pots I got at Grandiflora.

This one has one of the great "unkillable" :-) plants we sell here at the store!!

We have every size you need from cute small ones like large ones that would look great on your patio or as a focal point in a flower bed!

As you spend more time in your yard, and you are just wanting something fun to add to your flowerbeds, come in and check out our garden stakes, trellises, handmade stones, etc.!

Hope to see you soon!

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

What would you do with $100 @ Grandiflora?

On Tuesday we drew the name for a $100 gift certificate that we were giving away to people who received our spring sale flyer and had come in and given us their email address.

We drew Dannelle's name, and when we called to tell she had won she said, "I never win anything!" Needless to say she came right in with her little helper (is he adorable or what?) and spent it right then and there. It was so fun!!

Don't forget to check the blog regularly to keep up on new products, specials and giveaways.

I hope you're ready - cuz' here comes the sunshine, ready or not!!

Monday, 18 May 2009

More bright and springy displays..........................

Well with a little sunshine, must come rain! (I don't really believe this, but it sounded kinda catchy :-)!!

Well if things are looking gray and gloomy at your house, then you'd better make a trip into Grandiflora to see some of the bright and sunny displays LaVon has been pulling together!

There's not much more to say than...........I hope that added some sunshine to your day! We hope to see you soon! Let us know you saw our blog........... that will add sunshine to our day!!

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Lavon has been busy..................

Don't you wonder when you come in the store................"how do they come up with all these great ideas?". Well frankly, so do I!! :-)

Lavon is the mastermind behind it all - she comes in to work, get's busy (I love watching her pull a display together) and when she goes home at the end of the day, displays have been completely transformed.

Here is a display she brought new life to on Tuesday.

Have you noticed purple is back - I love it! But then, I've always considered myself royalty - so it seems like a logical color to me!!

Tomorrow - another newly "remodeled" display!

Monday, 11 May 2009

Bright and colorful like spring!

Don't you just love driving around and seeing all the color right now? My favorites are the flowering plum trees and all the ground covers, like creeping phlox, that are just bursting with color!!

We are bursting with color here at Grandiflora too! There is so much to see and new products on the shelves that are just waiting to go home with you and add some spring into your home!

Here are some great new decorated canvases, picture frames (in the picture above), coasters.....and they all match. Fun stuff!!

Are you one of those lucky ones that someone purchased a Grandiflora Gift Certificate for as a Mother's Day gift? I know there were lots of gift certificates sold, so that means things will be disappearing off our shelves, so you'd better come in and browse and pick out your own perfect gift. Aren't gift certificates the best?!?!?

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Our Mom's Day basket winner!

Today we made someone very happy - hopefully this is something we do every day here at Grandiflora, but today we made someone especially happy!!

Kathi Jansen was the winner of our Mom's Day basket! She came in to pick it up today and was thrilled with the Thymes,"Kimono Rose" products, basket and cute note pad! She graciously let us take her photo in front of the Thymes display that we've just stocked up for Mother's Day.

If you need help with some fun ideas for Mother's day, we've got you covered from the garden to home decor, to perfumes and lotions..........the options are endless!

Enjoy the's coming soon!!!

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Mother's Day is coming.............

Have you been struggling to come up with an idea for Mother's Day? Have you gotten your mom that same hanging basket, or bouquet of flowers for the last 10 years - is it time to break the pattern?

Here at Grandiflora, Lavon had us all make up a gift that we'd like to receive and package it up with cellophane and ribbon, then she put them in a display, so they're ready to be given to your mom (or send the hubby and the kids in to grab one for you). She added some great small gifts to the display that the kids could grab, or you could add to a gift.

Don't forget, it's a great time to let someone besides mom know you love and appreciate them - a special aunt, maybe a sister or sister-in-law who is a special aunt to your kids......................let your heart wander............then let whoever it is know you're grateful for the role they play in your life!!